Agility Balance Mobility
Koru HEalth
Koru Health is a place to find connection to your body, away from the noise of life. Each class is designed to improve posture, build flexible strength and work on each client’s biomechanics, creating a balanced body.
Whether you have an existing or old injury, live with chronic pain, are trying to find your abdominal connections post birth; or simply wish to feel stronger and more able to move and take part in the activities or sports you love, there is a class for you to take at your own pace focusing on what you specifically need.
Now teaching The GYROTONIC® Method, GYROKINESIS®, Pilates, and Progressing Ballet Technique.
About Cath
Catherine’s belief is that clients of all ages can achieve ease of movement and better quality of life by finding their own path to agility and balance, particularly after injury. Every exercise given is designed to be useful functionally in everyday life.